Walter Foster requires a picture book based off any adult song that’s appropriate for children. The target audience is families with children between the ages of 3 and 10. While the target audience consists of children since it’s a picture book, the target audience also includes their parents since the book should be enjoyable for the entire family.
I used slight gradients, texture overlays, the symbol sprayer, and the mesh-tool to avoid having completely flat graphics. Icons at the top of the text pages relate to something in the lyrics on that page and children of all races are shown to make the book inclusive. Walter Foster Publishing provided valuable critique throughout the design process. The final project was then shown to Walter Foster Publishing as part of Chapman University's junior-level Book Design class.
The Process:
I first sketched two concepts, one involving children and one with characters as penguins. Based on feedback from Walter Foster Publishing, we determined to execute the first concept, though I combined compositional elements from both variations presented.
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All images and designs on this post, unless noted otherwise, are the exclusive property of Elissa Title. The images, designs and ideas may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Elissa Title. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than the private purpose of viewing them online, including, but not limited to, copying, reproduction, publication (including on Internet Web Site including third party web pages by any means, including "hotlinking", storage in a retrieval system (other than internet browser), manipulation (digital or otherwise), or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Elissa Title. All artistic and moral rights of the author are hereby asserted.
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