After experiencing (and struggling) with the dashboard, I have re-designed several key areas to improve the user experience. My decisions were prompted by my user experience and my attraction to minimalistic, self-explanatory design solutions. As a new user, I the first thing I noticed was that I had a difficult time finding certain information. I noted various areas of improvement for user interaction with creating posts, projects, and pages. Other enhancements such as an interactive statistics page elevates WordPress to the next level thus enabling it to stand out from competitors. Essentially, I took the best of Wordpress and made it better by introducing color coding, more icons, less decision-making factors, cleaning up the layout, eliminating the background color, and restructuring and re-organizing information. 
Watch the below video to see a recorded walkthrough or scroll down to interact with the prototype yourself.
The Process:
I decided what interactive features I wanted, made a list, and began sketching. I continually switched back and forth between the actual Wordpress site and Adobe XD to figure out which categories and text I wanted to keep, what I wanted to edit, and what I wanted to eliminate entirely. When it came time to link the files, I made a check list so I wouldn’t lose my place when starting and stopping. In the design process, I had separated my artboards into categories like “menu”, “statistics”, etc. and clearly labeled all artboards so it would be easier to link the buttons down the road.
Sketching the layout for various pages.
After everything had been linked.
**Please note that this project was for a Graphic Design senior-level college class at Chapman University. There is NO affiliation with Wordpress. Contact:
Copyright Disclaimer
All designs on this post, unless noted otherwise, are the exclusive property of Elissa Title. The designs and ideas may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Elissa Title. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than the private purpose of viewing them online, including, but not limited to, copying, reproduction, publication (including on Internet Web Site including third party web pages by any means, including "hotlinking", storage in a retrieval system (other than internet browser), manipulation (digital or otherwise), or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Elissa Title. All artistic and moral rights of the author are hereby asserted.
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